

  • 2020年國人在公共政策網路平台發起「愛滋條例第21條應修正符合法源與醫學實證」之提案
  • 提案連署於2020年7月通過,衛福部疾管署於9月2號做出回應:表示規劃未來將朝修訂「危險性行為之範圍標準」研議,將穩定服藥且病毒量測不到的感染者,透過性行為傳染愛滋病毒風險極低之科學實證,納入危險性行為範圍判斷要件之一。
  • 2020年9月2號主管機關回覆全文。

行政院公報系統於 2021 年 7 月 2 號,公告「衛授疾字第1100100972號」,修正第2條為

第 二 條


愛滋權促會 2021 年 7 月 2 號  公告

Amendment on Article 2 of Criteria of Unsafe Sexual Behavior

  • In 2020, Taiwan citizens raised the proposal to “Modify article 21 of HIV Infection Control and Patient Rights Protection Act to conform with the source of law and medical proofs” on the platform for Online Participation in Public Policy.
  • The proposal was petitioned and passed in July, 2020. Taiwan CDC responded on 2nd of September, “we would aim to revise “Criteria of Unsafe Sexual Behavior” to include the scientific fact of the extremely low risk of transmission from people who are HIV positive with regular medication and undetectable viral load as a key criteria”
  • The Ministry responded with a full reply on September 2nd , 2020.

It was announced on The Executive Yuan Gazette system with government document Issuance No. “Wei-Shou-Ji No.1100100972” on the modification for article 2 of Criteria of Unsafe Sexual Behavior.

Article 2 of Criteria of Unsafe Sexual Behavior

The scope of unsafe sexual behavior refers to sexual behavior that involves direct contact with the mucous membranes of organs or body fluids without isolation and has been medically assessed as having a significant risk of infection and causing HIV infection.

Please find the attachment for explanation and comparison of before and after the modification.

*Medically assessed as having a significant risk of infection refers to people living with HIV with viral load higher than 200 copies/mL. Thus, people living with HIV with viral load lower than 200 copies/mL would be considered as not having a signidicant risk of infection.

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相關愛滋人權議題: 醫療就醫, 親密關係/性權


  • 衛授疾字第1100100972號 - 修正「危險性行為之範圍標準」第2條條文.pdf  檔案大小: 150.92 KB  檔案格式: application/pdf  下載