行政院公報系統於 2021 年 7 月 2 號,公告「衛授疾字第1100100972號」,修正第2條為
第 二 條
愛滋權促會 2021 年 7 月 2 號 公告
It was announced on The Executive Yuan Gazette system with government document Issuance No. “Wei-Shou-Ji No.1100100972” on the modification for article 2 of Criteria of Unsafe Sexual Behavior.
Article 2 of Criteria of Unsafe Sexual Behavior
The scope of unsafe sexual behavior refers to sexual behavior that involves direct contact with the mucous membranes of organs or body fluids without isolation and has been medically assessed as having a significant risk of infection and causing HIV infection.
Please find the attachment for explanation and comparison of before and after the modification.
*Medically assessed as having a significant risk of infection refers to people living with HIV with viral load higher than 200 copies/mL. Thus, people living with HIV with viral load lower than 200 copies/mL would be considered as not having a signidicant risk of infection.
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